Shenzhen is building an all-round "international talent highland"

Publish Date:2023-05-25

From January to October 2019, there were 137500 new urban employment opportunities in Shenzhen, with an employment population of 11.62 million, a year-on-year increase of 3%. The registered urban unemployment rate was 2.22%, and the "zero employment households" were dynamically reset to zero.

From January to October 2019, we achieved a reduction of 10.662 billion yuan in social security fees and burdens, distributed 1.15 billion yuan in unemployment insurance subsidies to support enterprises and stabilize their jobs, and refunded 139 million yuan in unemployment insurance premiums to affected enterprises. The total number of social insurance participants exceeded 35 million, a year-on-year increase of 3.7%. The per capita basic pension benefits of enterprise retirees in the city rank among the top in the country.

Since 2019, more than 9000 domestic high-level talents have been recognized, 93700 fresh graduates have been accepted, 129500 in-service talents from outside the city have been introduced, and 18600 overseas students have been introduced, totaling over 13000. With over 3400 post-doctorates in the station, it has grown at a rate of over 30% for five consecutive years. A total of 42 municipal master studios, 130 technician workstations, and 209 high skilled talent training bases have been built, and 10 "Pengcheng Craftsmen" have been selected.

The first batch of functions of the talent integration platform have been put into operation, and the talent Bole Award and professional technical qualification evaluation services have been opened for online application. The social security business is implemented through "city wide communication" and "comprehensive teller system".

A sound system for ensuring the governance of unpaid wages has been established, and the 'three gold' wage payment guarantee system, including the unpaid wages guarantee fund, emergency turnover fund, and wage deposit, has been highly recognized by the on-site verification team of the national guarantee for the payment of migrant workers' wages. It is recommended to promote it nationwide.

Building a "High Ground for International Talents" in All Directions

One is to implement a more open and convenient talent introduction policy. Focusing on key core technologies and solving the "bottleneck" problem, we will extensively gather innovative talents at home and abroad, accelerate the implementation of personal income tax preferential policies for overseas high-end talents and scarce talents, promote Guangdong Hong Kong and Macao vocational qualification recognition as the first pilot, deepen the construction of national human resources industrial parks, and build an international human resources market.

The second is to optimize talent evaluation and incentive mechanisms. Guided by marketization and socialization, revise the methods and standards for identifying high-level talents. Deepen the reform of the professional title system for professional and technical personnel, explore the evaluation of professional titles in new fields such as 5G and artificial intelligence, and support universities and high-level construction hospitals to carry out independent evaluation of professional titles. Carry out comprehensive reform of personnel and compensation in the field of public institutions, and establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for public institution positions that conforms to the development laws and needs of public welfare undertakings.

The third is to create an "innovative zone for cultivating highly skilled talents". Accelerate the promotion of skill enhancement actions, adjust the scope and standards of subsidy targets for skill enhancement actions, and improve the subsidy policy for lifelong vocational skill training. Accelerate the construction of a modern vocational education system and issue several opinions on promoting the high-quality development of vocational education in our city. Create a "dual" vocational education model that integrates industry and education with Shenzhen's unique characteristics, deepen the reform of diversified evaluation of skilled talents, and comprehensively launch preparations for the 46th World Skills Competition.